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CCC Cloud Technology Associate Retake Exam
The Cloud Technology Associate (Retake) exam can only be purchased by customers who have participated in the Cloud Technology Associate course.
The product includes: Exam voucher for a webcam proctored exam
Please note that if an exam voucher is included, you are able to schedule your exam for up to twelve months.
Excl. VAT
Certificate: Cloud Technology Associate
Duration in hours:
Domain: Cloud Computing
Delivery Method:
- Exam voucher for a webcam proctored exam
Accreditation: Cloud Credential Council
Purchase Options: Pay per use Courseware
Delivery: Online
Format: Closed Book
Proctoring: Web proctored
Duration: 60 minutes (15 minutes additional for non-native English Speakers)
No. of Questions: 40 simple multiple choice
Pass Grade: 65%
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