DoD Cloud Computing Strategy

Joey van Kuilenburg

The DoD recently released the department’s formal cloud computing strategy.
In the forward, DoD CIO Teresa Takai said that:
“The DoD Cloud Computing Strategy has been expanded to address use of commercial cloud services in the Department’s multi-provider enterprise cloud environment. Adoption and implementation of commercially provided cloud services are being rapidly accelerated with the maturing of the Federal Cloud Computing initiative, the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), and release of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act.”
Specific cloud computing transition steps include:
- Foster adoption of Cloud Computing
- Optimize Data Center Consolidation
- Establish the DoD Enterprise Cloud Infrastructure; and
- Deliver Cloud Services
A subsequent memo identified the Defense Information Systems Agency as the department cloud services broker.
A copy of the strategy is available for download at:
Kevin Jackson is a senior information technologist specializing in information technology solutions that meet critical Federal government operational requirements. Prior positions include VP & General Manager Cloud Services for NJVC, VP Federal Systems at Sirius Computer Solutions, Worldwide Sales Executive at IBM, Vice President Global IT Project Office at JP Morgan Chase, and CTO at SENTEL Corporation. [/tw_sh_column_item][/tw_sh_column]

About the Author
Joey is a marketer who prefers to put in a bit of extra work to make an “ok” product or experience an amazing product or experience.
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