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Would You Marry Your Cloud Tech Vendor? The Advantages of Vendor-neutral Cloud Training

Joey van Kuilenburg

would you marry..

We spoke to the authors of the Cloud Credential Council Cloud Technology Associate certification syllabus to better understand the impact of cloud on practicing IT professionals. The result – “If you’re out of cloud, you’re out of work. Really!”

For more information on the Cloud Technology Associate certification visit:

Transcript: ‘Would you marry your cloud tech vendor?’

Sudhakar: The biggest advantage with vendor neutral certification is it gives you a complete balanced approach and a knowledge base of all the aspects of cloud computing as well as virtualization. Including the advantages and limitations of these technologies.

Peter: We do mention a lot of technology. In the course but we’re not recommending any specific vendor.
The benefits of having vendor neutral cloud training come in two ways. One of the ways is for the individual. It means that their skills won’t become obsolete as vendors come and go.
In the technology associate course we have gone to a significant amount of trouble to make sure that those skills are universal for running IT and are not very specific to a vendor.
So that’s like job security for individuals. For their employers vendor neutral cloud training means that their staff will be able to support a wider choice of solutions. It has a bigger perspective and that reduces vendor lock-in. Vendor neutral means less vendor lock-in.

If you’re out of cloud, you’re out of work. Really.”

Meet the CCC Cloud Technology Associate Authors

Sudhakar Nagasampagi

Sudhakar Nagasampagi is a 25+ year IT professional, accredited master trainer, international speaker, trainer, course author, blogger, etc. He is an active Project Management Professional (PMP) and holds the ITIL 2011 foundation certification. He currently provides training in the areas of cloud computing and virtualization, in which he maintains numerous certifications. He also provides trainings in IT security and cloud security. He is the lead author and master trainer for the Cloud Credential Council (CCC) Cloud Technology Associate (CTA) course.

Peter van Eijk

Peter van Eijk develops and delivers workshops for swift and secure cloud adoption.
He has worked for Deloitte Consulting, IT supplier EDS, internet providers, and at the University of Twente, where he received his PhD in 1988. He is also the co-author for the Cloud Credential Council (CCC) Cloud Technology Associate (CTA) certification syllabus.

About the Author

Joey is a marketer who prefers to put in a bit of extra work to make an “ok” product or experience an amazing product or experience.

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